Dominikus BaurData Visualization
Visits is an on-going research project about visualizing personal location histories that I've been meaning to write about for a while now. Location histories from services such as Moves or Google can be loaded and explored as interactive map-timelines. Plus, I get to rant about personal data's bogeyman reputation.
If you've ever been to New York, you most definitely have used its extensive and (somewhat) reliable Subway - the easiest way to travel through the city. And if you took a look at your fellow passengers you might have noticed that at certain points on the line, people frantically started tapping and swiping their phones only to let go after a bit with a disappointed face. New York City is one of the few remaining metropolis without comprehensive cell phone reception on their subway system.
Two weeks ago, the KANTAR Information is Beautiful Awards 2015 happened at the impressive Ham Yard Hotel in London. Moritz and I had the chance to be there and it was worth it: not only for the drinks and the great crowd, but we won
Moritz and I were thrilled:
Congrats also to the other winners in that category, Stefanie Posavec and Giorgia Lupi for Dear Data and Nicholas Felton for his series of annual reports!
Recently, the connection between the scientific process and how our brain works hit me. Visual perception works through a combination of bottom-up and top-down processes. And since our scientific approach also becomes ever more data-driven, we're moving towards a science that mimics how our brains process information.
Every popular artist has their own unique style. If they're really good at it, they can be recognized after only a few moments of exposure. Filmmakers are a good example, since they often focus on either their visual or narrative style. When thinking about that I found that it's quite similar in visualization: there are the painters and the storytellers. But since visualization is an interactive medium we have a third category: unique interaction styles - the teachers of visualization.