Dominikus BaurData Visualization
Using Augmented Reality for data visualization opens up completely new possibilities: visualizations can become part of the environment and enable us to see our world (and our data) like never before.
Mobile displays are necessarily small to be portable, but this makes doing data visualization on them hard. Can Augmented Reality solve this dilemma?
If you read a visualization it’s no longer static. It can’t be. Just like words, reading always happens in time.
We can’t have it any other way. We as humans are temporal beings, one moment after the other until the last.
While going through time, our mind changes, our ideas and concepts of the world. We learn new things constantly, if we want it or not.
So how do we bridge the gap between anecdotes and statistics? How can we relate to parts of our data while at the same time being able to see the bigger picture? The answer is micro-macro.
Interactives are expensive to make — they have to work across devices, using trackpads and fingers. They’re error-prone and can tarnish the publication’s reception within their audience. So why even bother?